The parish office can be contacted on

For hall or church bookings contact:

Tel.: 01392 420407





Friendly and accepting, sharing God's love through worship, fellowship and service, we follow Jesus' teaching and welcome everyone, wherever they are on their spiritual journey.



We are a warm and inclusive Church



 There will be no Messy Church on Wednesday 5 March. Instead:

Come and help us celebrate the 100th Messy Church held at St James’ Church Exeter

A red and white logo

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Saturday 8th March 3-5pm

Craft in the hall followed by a Celebration in Church and Celebration Tea

Book your place by emailing us at


Weekly Services


8am  Holy Communion (said)

10.00am  Parish Eucharist

6pm  Evening Prayer with /Benediction (1st Sunday)

6pm  Evening Worship (3rd Sunday)


Wednesday  12.00 noon  Holy Communion   Daily Morning Prayer  8.30am

Online Monday and Wednesday; in church Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

The Parish Eucharist is also available to watch live, on our Facebook page or later via this website.


Room Hire

Hall and Church Facilities

For conditions of booking and an application form to book the hall, committee room or church building follow the link below;

Hall and Church Building Information

To View the Church & Hall Calendar






How to find us

Mount Pleasant Road, Exeter, EX4 7AH

St James' Church is to the north-east of Exeter city centre. You'll find us by the roundabout where Mount Pleasant Road, Prince Charles Road, Stoke Hill, Union Road and Old Tiverton Road meet.




Bank: NatWest, 59 High Street, Exeter. EX4 3DL

Account Name: St James Parochial Church Council  (“PCC” may be accepted)

Account Number: 04716787

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