Dates Ahead
Tue 26th 7.30 pm PCC meets
Fri 29th 10.30 am Coffee morning
1.00 pm Christmas wreath workshop
Sat 30 th2.00 pm Christmas bazaar
Sun 1st 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together
Wed 4th 3.30 pm: Messy Church
Thu 5th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group
Fri 6th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Sun 8th 4.00 pm: Christingle service
Wed 11th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch
Sun 15th 11.30 am: St James’ Nativity
- 4.00 pm: Exeter Nativity at Exeter Cathedral
- 6.00 pm: Carol service
Fri 20th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Tue 24th
- 4.00 pm: Crib service
- 11.00 pm: Midnight Mass
Wed 25th 10.00 am: Parish Eucharist for Christmas Day
Fri 27th 10.30 am: Coffee morning
Tue 31st 12.00 pm: New Year’s Eve Eucharist
Wed 1st 9.00 am: St Mary’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Mass
Thu 2nd 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group
Fri 3rd 2.00 pm: Craft group
Sun 5th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital
Wed 8th
- 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch
- 3.30 pm: Messy Church
Sun 12th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital
Fri 17th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Sun 19th
- 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital
- 6.00 pm: Wholeness & Healing service
Sun 26th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital
Fri 31st 10.30 am: Coffee morning
Sun 2nd 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together
Wed 5th 3.30 pm: Messy Church
Thu 6th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group
Fri 7th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Wed 12th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch
Fri 14th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Tue 25th 7.30 pm: PCC meets
Fri 28th 10.30 am: Coffee morning
Sun 2nd 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together
7.00 pm: Parish Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
Thu 6th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group
Fri 7th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Sat 8th 3pm: Celebration of 100th St James’ Messy Church
Wed 12th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch
Fri 14th 2.00 pm: Craft group
Sun 16th 12.00 pm: Annual parish meetings
Fri 28th 10.30 am: Coffee morning
Sun 30th 10.00 am: Parish Eucharist for Mothering Sunday with distribution of posies