The parish office can be contacted on

For hall or church bookings contact:

Tel.: 01392 420407

Parish News and Upcoming Events

Dates Ahead

Tue 26th 7.30 pm PCC meets
Fri 29th 10.30 am Coffee morning
1.00 pm Christmas wreath workshop
Sat 30 th2.00 pm Christmas bazaar


Sun 1st 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together

Wed 4th 3.30 pm: Messy Church

Thu 5th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group

Fri 6th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Sun 8th 4.00 pm: Christingle service

Wed 11th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch

Sun 15th 11.30 am: St James’ Nativity

  • 4.00 pm: Exeter Nativity at Exeter Cathedral
  • 6.00 pm: Carol service

Fri 20th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Tue 24th

  • 4.00 pm: Crib service
  • 11.00 pm: Midnight Mass

Wed 25th 10.00 am: Parish Eucharist for Christmas Day

Fri 27th 10.30 am: Coffee morning

Tue 31st 12.00 pm: New Year’s Eve Eucharist



Wed 1st 9.00 am: St Mary’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Mass

Thu 2nd 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group

Fri 3rd 2.00 pm: Craft group

Sun 5th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital

Wed 8th

  • 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch
  • 3.30 pm: Messy Church

Sun 12th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital

Fri 17th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Sun 19th

  • 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital
  • 6.00 pm: Wholeness & Healing service

Sun 26th 2.30 pm: Free Organ Recital

Fri 31st 10.30 am: Coffee morning



Sun 2nd 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together

Wed 5th 3.30 pm: Messy Church

Thu 6th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group

Fri 7th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Wed 12th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch

Fri 14th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Tue 25th 7.30 pm: PCC meets

Fri 28th 10.30 am: Coffee morning



Sun 2nd 4.00 pm: Celebrate Together

7.00 pm: Parish Eucharist for Ash Wednesday

Thu 6th 7.30 pm: Fr Brian’s house group

Fri 7th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Sat 8th 3pm: Celebration of 100th St James’ Messy Church

Wed 12th 12.15 pm: Friends Who Lunch

Fri 14th 2.00 pm: Craft group

Sun 16th 12.00 pm: Annual parish meetings

Fri 28th 10.30 am: Coffee morning

Sun 30th 10.00 am: Parish Eucharist for Mothering Sunday with distribution of posies









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